The Australian Heritage Society

The Australian Heritage Society

Brief History

The Australian Heritage Society was launched in Melbourne on September 18th 1971 at an Australian League of Rights Seminar. It was clear that Australia's heritage is under increasing attack from all sides; spiritual, cultural, political and constitutional. A permanent body was required to ensure that young Australians were not cut off from their true heritage and the Heritage Society assumed that role in a number of ways.

The Society has promoted a wide range of educational activities including lectures to schools. Over one million copies of three brochures have been distributed. They are "Keep Our Flag Flying" in support of retaining Australia's present flag; "Crown or Republic", the case against an Australian republic; "The Federal Constitution and Individual Freedom" discussing the essential basic freedoms enjoyed under our Constitution.

When Her Majesty the Queen visited Australia in 1973, The Heritage Society inserted a full-page loyal welcome in the Canberra and Sydney press. This move resulted in a flood of new support which paved way for further activities.

In order to provide Australians with an opportunity to have a direct say concerning their heritage, the Society inserted ''voting" forms in the press throughout Australia. Over 35,000 forms were returned with 90% voting to retain the Monarchy, the present flag and National Anthem.

When the Australian political crisis developed late in 1975, the Heritage Society gave another lead by inserting press advertisements inviting Australians to use their constitutional right to petition the Queen's representative, Sir John Kerr, for a double-dissolution of the Commonwealth Parliament so that people could vote to resolve the crisis. This campaign had just started to gather momentum when the Governor-General made his historical decision on November 11th 197 5.

The Heritage Society immediately lead a nation-wide campaign in defence of Sir John Kerr. Once again, press advertisements brought instant response from people of all political persuasions resulting in the distribution of well over one million "Defend Sir John Kerr" brochures.

It was about this time that the Heritage Society, due to expanding activity embarked upon a major publishing venture. The quarterly Journal "Heritage" was first published in June 1976. In its short life this journal has been increased in size and content on two occasions. Subscriptions continue to increase with each issue. Distinguished Australians contribute material on important heritage issues as well as historical features. This journal continues to be a vital link between the Heritage Society and its supporters.

The Queen's Australian visit early in 1977 saw even greater activity by the Heritage Society. Firstly, a special jubilee edition of "Heritage" was printed and it contained many avenues for Australians to express their loyalty, including car stickers and flags. Three editions of this popular issue had to be printed to meet the demand.

The most successful idea was the printing and distribution of thousands of "Loyalty Pledges" which loyal Australians were asked to sign. This idea was so popular that over 50,000 signatures poured into Heritage Society offices over a short period. The signed pledges were then despatched to the Governor-General for submission to the Queen.

Late in 1977 another publishing venture took place. A complete record of the Queen's Christmas messages and silver jubilee speech was produced in book form by the Heritage Society. Titled "A Queen Speaks to Her People" this publication was so well received throughout Australia that a second edition was required within less than three months. A permanent demand is expected for this historical publication.

The Australian Heritage Society welcomes people of all ages to join in its programme for the regeneration of the spirit of Australia. To value the great spiritual realities that we have come to know and respect through our heritage, the virtues of patriotism, of integrity and love of truth, the pursuit of goodness and beauty, an unselfish concern for other people - to maintain a love and loyalty for those values.

Young Australians have a very real challenge before them. The Australian Heritage Society, with your support can give them the necessary lead in building a better Australia.

"Our heritage today is the fragments gleaned from past ages; the heritage of tomorrow - good or bad - will be determined by our actions today."

SIR RAPHAEL CILENTO First Patron of The Australian Heritage Society

The Heritage Magazine Archives can be found at this URL:-

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