Net Zero Burial of Carbon Dioxide? by Viv Forbes

The Queensland Government recently placed a ban on pumping and dumping carbon dioxide into the rocks of the Great Artesian Basin. This was an event rarely seen – politicians have stumbled onto a sensible energy policy. Burying CO2 would achieve nothing useful – just more futile green waste. But their ban on Carbon Capture and Underground Storage (C...

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Happy Australia Day 2024

Today is Australia Day which has been celebrated on the 26th of January since 1808 to observe the landing of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788 and the raising of the British Flag by Governor Arthur Phillip. By this action, the rule of British law and order was established in Australia and remains so to this day. A few days later, on the 7th of...

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Medical Lock-Down as a Political Strategy towards Tyranny

Arnis Luks interviews Wallace Klinck and Robert Klinck from Canada about: The Final Treason : Series 6

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Credit Creation as the Ultimate Source of Power

Arnis Luks interviews Wallace Klinck and Robert Klinck from Canada about: The Final Treason : Series 5

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In Pursuit of Freedom

In Pursuit of Freedom

Arnis Luks interviews Wallace Klinck and Robert Klinck from Canada about: The Final Treason : Series 7

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Destroying This Life For Fear of Death - Fear as a Paralysing Emotion

Destroying This Life For Fear of Death - Fear as a Paralysing Emotion

Arnis Luks interviews Wallace Klinck and Robert Klinck from Canada about: The Final Treason : Series 8

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From the Proposed ABC Act to Full-Fledged Douglas Social Credit

From the Proposed ABC Act to Full-Fledged Douglas Social Credit
Arnis Luks interviews Mark Anderson about: Paradise Denied : 3

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